Go Green
"Green" is everybody's favorite word these dayS

Annadelle Spotless the Green Way
Annadelle welcomes the opportunity to show you how we practice the love of "green" in all we do for you.
We look at green in a different way. We see it as love. Why? The Earth, our mother, provides us with what we need-air, sunshine, rain, trees, food. If we treat Earth right, she gladly returns the favor.
Green Tips
Make a small changes today so tomorrow your children will have a greener environment.
If you want to change your company to a green environment, Annadelle Spotless has done the research, has the experience, and has the plan and products to make your office space clean, safe, and environmentally friendly. For more information, please contact us and let us tell you how we can help turn your office green.
Tips for your green environment
- Use paper towels from recycled resources.
- Reusable dishes/silverware/glassware for kitchens
- use dishwashers
- Water filters
- Canvas bags
- Don't forget to recycle your old phone, batteries, computer, or any electrical devices.
- Please do not put them in regular trash can, water bottle, can, any recycling item
- Remember to keep a recycle can next to your food cabbage can
+1 (908) 241-5050
Annadelle Spotless LTD
New York and the TriState Area.